Is it easy to change one of these filters?
Yes. Every AquaThrift brand filter is user friendly allowing for an easy DIY installation without the need for tools. Instructions are included with each filter. If you need further assistance, please contact our customer service at 1.866.218.8473 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm PST.
Do these filters have an expiration date?
No. All of our filters are manufactured by TST Water in the USA and can sit on your shelf until you need them. Once installed, our filters are designed to last for up to 6 months or 300 gallons. This is dependent upon water usage and the quality of the water in your area.
How do I know if my fridge has a built-in filter?
Refrigerators with built-in water filters are usually side by side models with built-in ice and water dispensers. If you have a fridge like this then you should look for the filter in one of these places.

How do I reset my filter indicator light?
The filter indicator light is a control within the refrigerator control panel and is not controlled by your filter. You will have to reset the light manually. We are able to provide basic instructions for various brands. If these are not successful, specific instructions can be found in your refrigerator’s user manual.
Option 1. Press and hold the Water button for 3 seconds
Option 2. Press and hold the Ice Type and Child Lock buttons at the same time for 3 seconds
Option 3. Press and hold the Energy Saver button
Option 1. Press Water and Lock buttons simultaneously
Option 2. Press and hold the Auto Dispenser lock buttons until the water filter status indicator light flashes
Option 1. Press the Water Filter light for 3 seconds
Option 2. Press and hold the reset button for 8 seconds
Option 1. Press and hold the reset button for 8 seconds
Option 1. Press and hold the reset button until the indicator flashes
Option 1. Press and hold the Water Filter light for 3 seconds
Option 1. Hold the Water Filter button for 3 seconds
Option 2. Press and hold the Water and Lock buttons until the water filter light flashes
Option 1. Press and hold the light and lock pads until the change filter light blinks (approx. 3 seconds)
Option 2. Press and hold the light and lock buttons until the water filter light flashes
Option 1. Press and release the light button 5 times quickly
Option 1. Press and release the light button 5 times quickly
Do I need to lubricate the gaskets on my filter?
Most of the water filters don't need any lubrication as they are pre-lubricated. However, the use of a small amount of vegetable oil applied to the O-ring may ease the installation and removal of the filter.
How tightly should I tighten the filter?
All of the filters will hit a stop when they are fully tightened. As long as you install them by hand (not using tools); you will feel the filter stop and know that it is properly installed. Some of the filters require to be simply pushed in, while others require turning or inserting and turning. Most of the filters only require a quarter to a half turn to tighten. However, our AQT-G3 may require a firmer turn to engage the water valve. Don’t be afraid to twist a little harder.
Cryptosporidium and Giardia are common intestinal parasites that cause flu-like illnesses. They exist in a cyst form, similar to a microscopic egg which allows it to survive the chlorine-based disinfectants typically used by the water treatment industry.
These intestinal parasite cysts "hatch" when ingested by humans and cause symptoms similar to the stomach flu. The symptoms are not life threatening if treated, but can be dangerous to people with weakened immune systems.
Symptoms Include:
Abdominal cramping
Loss of appetite
Do you carry the colored plastic or metal end cap that covers the filter in my grill?
The cap you are referring to covers the end of the filters located in the base grill of some Whirlpool, KitchenAid, and Kenmore refrigerators. This piece comes with the refrigerator and is not a part of the filter itself. If the cap has become lost or damaged, please contact your refrigerator’s manufacturer regarding a replacement based off of your refrigerator model.
Atrazine, Ethylbenzene, Lindane…. What are they, and why shouldn’t I be drinking them?
Atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide contaminating drinking water in the United States. It is believed to cause complications with the reproduction system.
Ethylbenzene is an organic compound that is highly flammable, colorless, and an order much like gasoline. The acute toxicity of Ethylbenzene is low. High level exposure in the air can cause eye and throat sensitivity. Higher level exposure may cause dizziness.
Lindane is used as an insecticide and a pharmaceutical treatment for lice and scabies.
All three contaminants are believed to be carcinogens. Please check with your area’s water treatment facility if you believe any of these are present in your drinking water.
I just installed my filter; do I need to run water through the filter before I drink the water?
It is recommended to run water through the filter for about 3 gallons to clear any carbon particles and/or to release any air bubbles that may be trapped within the carbon block. This also allows for the filter to get thoroughly wet to ensure you receive the best performance out of the filter.
Yes. What you are experiencing is due to excess carbon particles from the carbon block inside the filter. It is recommended to run at least 3 gallons of water through the filter prior to drinking. This will assist with clearing the black particles and darkness of the water. The more water you run through the filter, the sooner you will receive clearer water. Please make sure to run the water periodically, taking breaks, as to not exhaust your waterlines. Although the color is not appealing to the eye, carbon is non-toxic, making the water safe to drink and will not be harmful to your health. To speed up this process, you can submerge your water filter in a sink full of water for one hour and then reinstall. If your water does not clear up within 36 hours; please contact Customer Service at 1-866-218-8473; Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm PST for further assistance.
How long do AquaThrift water filters last once they are installed?
AquaThrift filters are designed to last up to 6 months or 300 gallons depending on usage and the quality of water in your area.
Do you offer a replacement filter for GE RPWFE?
Unfortunately, at this time, we do not offer a replacement for the GE RPWFE.
I have installed my water filter and my water is coming out warm. What is causing this?
Oftentimes, the new water inside the reservoir in the back of your refrigerator could not have had a chance to cool down; in turn you will receive warm water. Please allow some time for the water to cool. If this continues, please contact your refrigerator manufacturer.
A TDS reading the same or higher than your tap water is not an indication of a faulty filter. A TDS meter tests for total dissolved solids which mainly consist of minerals such as calcium, potassium, and iron. AquaThrift water filters do not filter minerals as many can be beneficial to your overall health. To eliminate minerals from your drinking water, a reverse osmosis system is recommended.
Here is a list of reasons that could be causing flow rate issues:
Improper installation: Often times, the filter may not be installed properly which would prevent it from engaging the water valve in your refrigerator. Remove and reinstall the filter ensuring that it is securely installed into place. If you are using a WSG-3 replacement filter, an additional 15-20 degrees turn clockwise is necessary to engage the water valve.
Trapped air: Upon initial installation, it is common for the filter to have trapped air within the carbon block restricting the flow of water. As more water is dispensed through the filter, this problem will correct itself. To expedite this process, it is recommended to remove the filter and completely submerge it underwater for 1-2 hours. Doing so will release any air bubbles trapped within the filter. Upon reinstallation, your flow should return to normal.
Why is my water coming out cloudy?
Cloudy water is due to extra air pressure inside the unit. Running the recommended 3 gallons of water through the filter should be enough to remove any trapped air within the filter. It may be helpful to precondition the filter by submerging it underwater for 1-2 hours prior to installation. If your water does not clear up within 36 hours; please contact Customer Service at 1-866-218-8473; Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm PST for further assistance.
Here are 2 reasons that could be causing leaking from the filter housing head:
Missing o-ring: All of our filters must have an o-ring in place for the filter to function properly without leaking. If you feel your filter may be missing an o-ring please call us directly at 1.866.218.8473 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm PST.
Try removing the filter and re-installing ensuring the filter has clicked into place.
Leaking from the water dispenser: If the leaking or dripping is coming from the water dispenser, this is usually due to excess air in the filter that is creating back pressure and causing water to drip from the dispenser. It will eliminate after more water is run through the filter. To expedite the process, you can uninstall your filter and submerge it in water. You should see air bubbles coming out of the filter. Once the air bubbles stop you can reinstall your filter and the dripping from the dispenser should stop. If dripping/leaking continues, please contact Customer Service at -1-866-218-8473; Monday – Friday 8 am to 5pm for further assistance.
No. There are a couple reasons for this; first, our filters use the outer coat of the fruit as opposed to the internal white flesh part of the nut or the milk. Secondarily, the shell goes through several processing stages in order to be prepared for use. Initially the shell is destroyed in a kiln, which is a process where high temperatures burn the nut creating a carbon char. This high temperature processing of our carbon renders any known allergens present in the raw material as inert and unable to invoke allergic reactions in humans or animals. From here the char is washed in order to remove basic soot as well as remove any impunity that may be present in the natural shell. Following the initial wash phase the carbon is then further water washed in order to rebalance the pH of the carbon, followed by an activation process in order to open up all of the pores of the carbon, enhancing each particle's ability to absorb impurities.
Again, through this burning and processing of the coconut shell, allergens become inert while the remaining carbon provides a superior base product for being able to reduce drinking water contaminants that may be present in the water.